Booster Meeting

Centerville Science Olympiad Organization 

Parent Booster Meeting Nov. 13, 2025

Booster Meeting Agenda 

Organizational Chart 

Centerville Science Olympiad Organization


Parent Booster Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)

Thursday October 12, 2023

7:00 pm, CHS South Commons


a. Parent Booster Organization

b. Supports ALL Centerville City Schools Science Olympiad teams.


a. Brand New, Work in Progress

b. Content Includes information:


2) Each School’s Team

3) CSOO Organizational Chart

4) CSOO Parent volunteer form

5) CSOO Donation form

a. Team Selection

b. Code of Conduct

c. Outside Assistance

d. Tournament Scheduling


a. Box Tops for Education

b. Grocery Store Fundraisers

c. Kroger Plus Card

d. Dorothy Lane Market

e. Restaurant Takeovers

f.  Double Good Popcorn

g. Corporate & Community Donations (Don Scheick)


a. Volunteers needed, sign up on website

b. 4 people for each 3-hour shift

c. 3-hour shifts starting 4 pm Friday evening ending at 4:30 pm Saturday


a. Booster Level Positions (Chairperson/Co-chairpersons needed)

b. Volunteer Coordinator

c. Fundraisers (for district) (Looking for Chairperson to search out other leads)

d. Building Level (Chairperson per school/team)-talk with your team coach

e. Each building has different individual needs

Centerville Science Olympiad Organization


Parent Booster Meeting (Agenda & Minutes)

Thursday October 12, 2023

7:00 pm, CHS South Commons


The annual Parent Booster Meeting was held in the Centerville High School, South Commons on October 12, 2023, at 7:00 pm.


Mr. John Carroll, Centerville High School Coordinating Principal provided opening remarks with high praise for the Centerville Science Olympiad Organization, community, parent support, and student body, both current competitors and alumni. Mr. Carroll emphasized how great a program Science Olympiad is and all the benefits it provides to our community youth. As a former Science Olympiad coach, Mr. Carroll expressed his excitement for where the program is heading and offered his unwavering support to all our teams, competitors, coaches, and volunteers.

a. Parent Booster Organization

b. Supports ALL Centerville City Schools Science Olympiad teams.


Centerville Science Olympiad Organization (CSOO) is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization that serves as the foundational organizing function for Science Olympiad to operate within the Centerville City Schools district. CSOO serves as the umbrella organization that sponsors and supports the Science Olympiad teams and activities throughout Centerville which includes teams from Magsig Middle School, Tower Heights Middle School, Watts Middle School, and Centerville High School.


 Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing opportunity and diversity in science, creating a technologically literate workforce, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers. This mission is carried out at the local level by CSOO and the supported school-based teams organized under CSOO.


As the organizing function, CSOO consists of two main “branches”: the teams and the boosters. The CSOO teams are led by volunteer team coaches at each of our schools. Team coach contacts can be found on the main page of the CSOO website. The contacts are:


Team Coaches:

Centerville High School: Carly Herner,

Magsig Middle School: CeAnn Chalker,

Tower Heights Middle School: Matthew Kincade,

Watts Middle School: Jenna Neal,


The other branch is the administrative leadership and parent booster piece of CSOO. CSOO co-directors are the Centerville High School team coach and Magsig Middle School team coach. Additionally, CSOO has a designated Volunteer Coordinator (Magsig), Carol Gottschall,, and is looking for a fundraising chairperson. CSOO is currently seeking Volunteer Coordinators for CHS and Watts. As parents of student competitors registered and intending to participate in Science Olympiad activities, you are automatically CSOO boosters.

a. Brand New, Work in Progress

b. Content Includes information:


2) Each School’s Team

3) CSOO Organizational Chart

4) CSOO Parent volunteer form

5) CSOO Donation form

CSOO has created a new website for the 2024 season and beyond. The site can be found at the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and contains the latest Centerville Science Olympiad information. Our goal is to continuously update and adapt this website to your needs, including all relevant information for you to learn about Science Olympiad, discover avenues to get involved, know who to contact for information or comment, and generally be a valuable resource to you. Considering this site is relatively new, we are building and expanding. We do; however, want to ensure the site is clear, concise, relevant, current, and helpful to you. You can help us develop the site by visiting our “Info” tab and submitting questions or comments for CSOO to address.


The content of the website currently consists of a main page with team coach contacts, our active restaurant takeover fundraisers, and general Science Olympiad information. We have sub-pages set up for each school-based middle school team (CHS is on the way) that contain information for the students, team calendars, and our registration process for each respective team.


Additionally, there is a Booster Support section which includes links to Community Partners, Parent Support, and Fundraising Activities. These are our outreach pages and have links to forms to connect CSOO with potential supporters.


Finally, there is an “Info” tab that has some of the local “sizzle” from CSOO, some background information, and historical data for the Centerville-based teams. At the bottom of this page is the link to contact CSOO with questions or comments about Science Olympiad at large, about CSOO, about our website, or specific to any of our teams.


Donation buttons will be coming to the website soon.

a. Team Selection

b. Code of Conduct

c. Outside Assistance

d. Tournament Scheduling


The “sizzle” is located on the CSOO website under the “Info” tab. This outlines some of the common questions CSOO gets about Science Olympiad in the district.


The Code of Conduct and Outside Assistance discussed at this meeting is a general overview of the “General Rules, Code of Ethics, and Spirit of the Problem” outlined on page B-3 of the 2024 Rules for Science Olympiad. The Code of Ethics and Spirit of the Problem are expanded into a two-page declaration of pledges for students, coaches, parents, and event supervisors participating in or supporting student competitors in Science Olympiad.


Examples of the role pledges:


Student: I pledge to put forth my best effort in preparation for the Science Olympiad tournament and to uphold the principles of honest competition. In my events, I will compete with integrity, respect, and sportsmanship towards my fellow competitors. I will display courtesy towards Event Supervisors and Tournament Personnel. My actions will exemplify the proud spirit of my school, team, and state.


Coach: I pledge to encourage excellence in preparation and investigation, honesty, sportsmanship, and respect for Tournament Personnel, Coaches, and all Teams. I, along with teachers, parents, and other adult supervisors, understand I am responsible for ensuring that any applicable laws, regulations, and school policies are not broken. I want our team’s efforts to bring honor to our community and school.


Parent: I pledge to be an example for our children by respecting the rules of Science Olympiad, supporting independence in the design and production of all competition devices, and respecting the decisions of Event Supervisors and Judges. I, along with coaches, teachers, and other adult supervisors, understand I am responsible for ensuring that any applicable laws, regulations, and school policies are not broken.


Event Supervisor: I pledge to run my event with fairness and respect for the participants and their coaches. I understand safety is of the utmost importance, and I am obligated to prevent unsafe acts and devices. My actions will reflect the principles of the Science Olympiad program and display the pride we feel as representatives of our colleges, universities, companies, states, or organizations.


Each team coach has also expanded upon these role pledges and developed a student competitor code of conduct for their team that encapsulates the intent of these pledges and formalizes team member expectations for the season. For specific team Codes of Conduct, please reference your team’s registration packets or contact the team coach.


Lastly, we briefly mentioned tournament scheduling as a unique process by each of our team coaches. For the best tournament scheduling processes, your team coach will share the information relevant to each team for the season.

a. Box Tops for Education

b. Grocery Store Fundraisers

c. Kroger Plus Card

d. Dorothy Lane Market

e. Restaurant Takeovers

f.  Double Good Popcorn

g. Corporate & Community Donations (Don Scheick)


CSOO is reliant on financial support from boosters and community partners. A high-performing organization requires significant financial resources to cover team travel and transportation expenses, tournament registration participation, awards, preparation and practice materials, build device construction materials, team shirts, etcetera. Each family pays a nominal fee for registration that covers material supplies and invitational registrations. The fees are set by the team coach for each team and are based on team size, tournament schedule, materials needed, etcetera. Above and beyond basic material and registrations, CSOO supports each team financially to ensure program success and to keep costs to families as low as possible.


CSOO also feels that fundraising, to the maximum extent possible, should be a passive activity. Our view is the student competitors' time is much better spent studying and practicing for competition than going door-to-door trying to raise funds. Considering this, CSOO has set up several fundraising activities to support the team while having minimal student competitor actions for participation. CSOO participates in Box Tops for Education (Participants must select MAGSIG MIDDLE SCHOOL as the beneficiary), Kroger Rewards Card fundraising program, and various restaurant takeovers. CSOO is also currently seeking additional grocery chain fundraisers and community partnerships with local businesses and organizations.

a. Volunteers needed, sign up on website

b. 4 people for each 3-hour shift

c. 3-hour shifts starting 4 pm Friday evening ending at 4:30 pm Saturday


The Centerville Science Olympiad Coaching Academy is back for 2023. The Coaching Academy is an event that brings in coaches from all over Ohio and surrounding states to workshop and network, assist each other with program development, and build a quality SO program across the region. We'll have many great local, state, and national representatives providing demonstrations and clinics for our coaches, but there is a need for many hands to make light work of the event. If you can spare a couple of hours either Friday or Saturday, we'd love your assistance. The sign-up form to volunteer is on the CSOO website, under “Booster Support”, and then under “Parent Partnerships”.

a. Booster Level Positions (Chairperson/Co-chairpersons needed)

b. Volunteer Coordinator

c. Fundraisers (for district) (Looking for Chairperson to search out other leads)

d. Building Level (Chairperson per school/team)-talk with your team coach

e. Each building has different individual needs

Finally, we discussed volunteer support for various CSOO and team-level activities. There are needs for parent volunteers at the team level and at the chartering organization level to ensure a robust, exciting, and enriching program can continue to provide top-notch co-curricular STEM activities to the youth in our community.


CSOO has identified a new Volunteer Coordinator (Magsig) Carol Gottschall (contact info in section 1). CSOO is currently seeking Volunteer Coordinators (Team-level) for CHS and Watts MS. The Tower Heights team coach will handle volunteer coordination for Tower Heights MS.


Carol has also gotten the ball rolling with restaurant takeover fundraisers CSOO is looking for a volunteer to take over this specific role as a CSOO Fundraising Chairperson as well as a few parents to serve on the fundraising committee. Ideally, a cross-section of school populations represented on the fundraising committee can broaden the activity opportunities and geographic footprint of community support.


For information on specific volunteer needs based on school-based teams, contact the team coaches or volunteer coordinators for each respective team.